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Electronic VLSI Engineering & Embedded Systems (ELVEES) R&D Center of Microelectronics

Listing of all the works of the organization. Click on the work title to get the full information.

  Glushkov A.V., Belyaev A.A., Putrya F.M., Alekseev I.N., Mironova Yu.V.
“MULTICORE” platform IP-library of SoC peripherals
  Glushkov A.V., Solokhina T.V., Petrichkovich Ya.Ya.
Alarm controllers MS-0226 and ÌÑ-0226G on the basis of platform "MULTICORE"
  Goussev V.V., Enin S.V., Lihih S.N., Lavlinsky S.A., Menyajlov D.E., Petrichkovich Ya.Ya., Skok D.V., Solokhina T.V., Smirnova I.I., Sudnev E.N., Gerasimov Yu.M.
Analog-digital "system-on-chip" MF01 of series "Multiflex"
  Glushkov A.V., Gribov Yu.I., Silin V.A., Solokhina T.V., Gerasimov Yu.M., Nefedov V.A., Shejnin Yu.E.
Analog-digital "system on crystal" peripheral controller MCT-01 on the basis of IP-libraries of a platform "MULTICORE"
  Solokhina T.V., Petrichkovich Ya.Ya., Glushkov A.V.
Architecture of domestic IC series of type "system or network on chip" on the basis of IP-libraries of platform "MULTICORE"
  Kozlova N.N., Solokhina T.V., Gribov Yu.I., Belyaev A.A.
Configurable IP-cores architecture analysys using criterion of implementation ability in “MULTICORE” platform IP-library
  Aleksandrov Yu.N., Nikolsky V.F., Kuchinsky A.S., Chuprinov A.A., Grachev R.V., Mironova Yu.V.
Library of applied functions in structure of MCStudio™ environment for development of the software "system-on-chip" of series "MULTICORE"
  Belyaev A.A., Solokhina T.V., Glushkov A.V., Aleksandrov Yu.N., Petrichkovich Ya.Ya., Mironova Yu.V., Gerasimov Yu.M.
MCam-01 mixed signal multimedia processor
  Belyaev A.A.
Organization of instruction pipeline in ELcore-õxTM DSP-cores of “MULTICORE” IP-library
  Bajkov V.D., Gerasimov Yu.M., Rogatkin Yu.B.
Peripheral analog-digital blocks for CMOS VLSI of type "system-on-chip"
  Alekseev M.N.
Route of designing "system-on-chip" on the basis of IP-libraries of a platform "MULTICORE"
  Shejnin Yu.E., Suvorova E.A., Rozhdestvenskij D.A., Solokhina T.V., Glushkov A.V., Alekseev I.N., Gerasimov Yu.M.
Route of development and FPGA-verifications of IP-core of controller SpaseWire link for "system-on-chip" on the basis of platform "MultiCore"
  Perekin R.N., Glushkov V.D., Glushkov A.V., Nikolsky V.F.
Technology of debugging "system-on-chip" of series "MULTICORE"
  Sinitsyn V.V., Kosyrev S.A., Nikolsky V.F.
The environment of development of the software for "system-on-chip" of series "MULTICORE" MCStudio_Lnx
  Aleksandrov Yu.N., Kuchinsky A.S., Zinchenko O.N., Kolobanova E.S., Solokhina T.V.
Characteristics of the "Multicore" series controllers for FFT processing signal in real time and their application in radar
  Solokhina T.V., Glushkov A.V., Petrichkovich Ya.Ya., Grishin V.Yu., Eremeev P.M., Sirenko V.G., Shejnin Yu.E.
Family of domestic DSP-controllers "MultiCore" and elements of system interface "MultiCore-the designer" for construction of scaled parallel systems of teraflop productivity
  Glushkov A.V., Solokhina T.V., Petrichkovich Ya.Ya., Gorbachev S.V., Suvorova E.A., Shejnin Yu.E.
Multiprotocol switchboards for the heterogeneous distributed onboard complexes
  Putrya F.M.
Optimization of structure of controllers of serial buses. The solution of problems of lack of pins of a integrated circuit and loading of the processor at data transmission
  Belyaev A.A.
Pipeline structure optimization according to performance criterion for DSP-core with Harvard architecture
  Aleksandrov Yu.N., Grachev R.V., Solokhina T.V.
The block of digital operative processing ùà matrix thermovisual photoreceiver on the basis of the signal microcontroller
  Solokhina T.V.
Architecture of DSP-accelerators on the basis of a platform "MultiCore" for supercomputers of new generation
  Chernyh A.V.
Digital sigma-delta modulator
  Gerasimov Yu.M., Glushkov A.V., Grigoryev N.G., Petrichkovich Ya.Ya., Solokhina T.V.
Features of designing of radiation-proof libraries of elements, complex-functional blocks and nano-VLSI SoC
  Putrya F.M.
Method of automation of process of development of the crossbar for multicore system whith nonuniform memory access
  Belyaev A.A., Gribov Yu.I., Solokhina T.V.
Pipelining and parallelization: two approaches to rise computational performance
  Putrya F.M.
Research, development and optimization of data exchange hardware in multicore computing systems
  Chernyh A.V.
Research and development of structural decisions of frequency synthesizers on the PLL basis
  Yanakova E.S.
The "Multicore" series processors features for signal processing in modern multifunctional radar
  Milov A.N.
The conceptual approach to construction of the device of visualization of three-dimensional images in format OpenGL on processors of a series "Multicore"
  Putrya F.M., Medvedev I.A.
Hardware streams synchronization methods for multicore cluster
  Belyaev I.A.
Huffman encoder IP-core for JPEG image compression
  Yanakova E.S.
Methods of matched filtering radar broadband signals with minimum time delays
  Belyaev A.A.
Pipeline Depth Influence on DSP Performance
  Bajkov V.D., Gerasimov Yu.M., Kondratenko S.V., Solokhina T.V.
Special features and results of designing the family of LVDS CMOS 0,25/0,18/0,13 ìm drivers and receivers
  Medvedev I.A.
An Efficient Router Bufferization for Network-on-Chip Design
  Lobanova A.Y.
Analysis of efficiency of complex use low-power techniques for blocks of digital VLSI
  Belyaev A.A.
Architectural features of VELCore-01 video processing core
  Belyaev I.A.
CAVLC encoder IP-core for H.264/AVC
  Yanakova E.S.
Signal Seepage Impact on the Matched Filtration Results in Radar with Continuous Emission
  Putrya F.M.
SystemVerilog object-oriented programming features for functional verification of multi-core SoC
  Belyaev A.A., Gavrilov V.S., Kuznetsov D.A., Petrichkovich Ya.Ya., Solokhina T.V., Frolov D.S., Funkner A.A.
Evolution in the area of multicore heterogeneous video data processing systems
  Frolov D.S., Pirogov P.P., Aleksandrov Yu.N., Gribov Yu.I., Belyaev A.A.
IP-Core "ACC_Cores" as part system-on-chip. Multifunctional hardware accelerator Fast Fourier Transform - FFT_RT_Core
  Medvedev I.A., Putrya F.M.
Interconnect Verification Methods Based on Unified Test Infrastructure
  Gerasimov Yu.M., Domozhakov D.A., Kondratenko S.V., Lomakin S., Solokhina T.V.
Methods of implementation of high-speed serial channels CMOS transceivers on a physical level
  Belyaev A.A., Kolesnikova I.Y., Kuznetsov D.A.
Motion Estimation IP-core Implementation for H.264 Full HD Video Codec
  Bezglasnaya K.A., Kolbasov Y.S., Medvedev I.A., Putrya F.M.
Problems of platform approach for System on Chip and IP cores test infrastructure creation and their solutions
  Gerasimov Yu.M., Grigoryev N.G., Goussev V.V., Kobylyatskiy A.V., Petrichkovich Ya.Ya.
Radiation-hardned CMOS VLSI SRAM in bulk technology
  Golovina E., Makeeva M., Nikolaev A.V., Putrya F.M., Smirnov A.A.
Reusable complex Soc level tests creating and debugging method
  Bajkov V.D., Garmash A.A., Dubinskiy A.V.
Using the gate capacitance of MOS transistor as LPF's capacitance and its impact on the PLL's characteristics of quality
  Belyaev I.A.
Variable-length code packing IP-core
  Poperechny P.S.
Adjustable error-correcting encoder for Systems on Chip
  Lobanova A.Y., Menshenin L.V.
Analysis of the impact of standard cells placement and power network configuration on the layout design of a microprocessor component
  Zhezlov K.A., Kolbasov Y.S., Kozlov A.O., Nikolaev A.V., Putrya F.M., Frolova S.E.
Automation of verification environments development process providing a through design flow for design, verification and research of IP-blocks and SoC
  Domozhakov D.A., Dubinskiy A.V., Rannev N.Y.
Bit error rate calculation in high performance communication channels
  Poperechny P.S.
Polynomial modular multipliers for error correcting code devices
  Gerasimov Yu.M., Grigoryev N.G., Kobylyatskiy A.V.
The technique of logical circuit parameters selection in nanometer RHBD CMOS VLSI
  Kobylyatskiy A.V., Sergeev D.K.
On-chip Standard Cell Delay Verification Techniques
  Khokhryakov E.I.
Recovering Signal and Σ-Δ Modulator Parameters
  Garashchenko A.V., Nikolaev A.V., Putrya F.M., Sardaryan S.S.
System of Combined Specialized Test Generators for the New Generation of VLIW DSP Processors with Elcore50 Architecture
  Bykova A.V., Polunin M.N.
Criteria for the numerical evaluation of data recovery algorithms for analogue-information converters
  Skripnichenko M.N.
High-level model based calibration technique design for SAR ADC
  Poperechny P.S.
High-performance scheme of FFT calculation with conflict-free memory access
  Nikitin S.A., Nikolaev A.V., Putrya F.M., Neklyudov I.A.
Route automation of Functional Verification based on IP-XACT standard
  Yanakova E.S., Macharadze G.T., Kostulin N.V., Tiurin A.A.
Solving large SLE on heterogeneous SoC of «Multicore» series
  Zhezlov K.A.
The methodology of automated performance analysis of SoC interconnect subsystems, according to the SoC structure and application
  Belyaev A.A., Belyaev I.A., Petrichkovich Ya.Ya., Poperechny P.S.
High-performance parallel BCH encoder with reconfigurable correction capability
  Zhezlov K.A., Belyaev A.A., Putrya F.M.
Implementation of Methodology of SoC Interconnects Automated Performance Analysis into the Verification Route
  Macharadze G.T.
MPI-based Software Model for Parallel Computing in Heterogeneous Clusters
  Belyaev A.A., Belyaev I.A., Petrichkovich Ya.Ya.
Parameterizable matrix multiplier of fixed-point binary numbers in direct and complementary code
  Belyaev A.A., Shchuchkin E.Yu.
DC-DC Converter Conducted Emission Level Estimation at Design Stage
  Skripnichenko M.N.
Implementation of Area Optimal FIR Filters Based on Lookup Tables for Sigma-Delta Modulator Signal Processing

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