Listing of all the works of the organization. Click on the work title to get the full information.
2005 | |
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Zinchenko L.A., Mazias R.L., Rozenfeld V.P., Smirnov Yu.G., Sotnikov M.A., Stoyanov S.V., Topuzov I.G., Falkovsky K.D. CELLERITY: THE SYSTEM OF AUTOMATIC SYNTHESIS OF STANDARD CELL LAYOUT
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Akinshin A.A., Zhuk D.M., Ilnitskij A.O., Kozhevnikov D.Yu., Manichev V.B. Method of simulation of dynamics of technical systems on the basis of formal schemes
2006 | |
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Prokopenko N.N., Budyakov A.S., Kryukov S.V. Architecture and circuit design of precision differential amplifiers with high common mode rejection ratio
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Prokopenko N.N., Budyakov A.S., Sergeenko A.I. Buffer stage of operational amplifiers with low output impedance and option rail-to-rail
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Prokopenko N.N., Budyakov A.S., Kovbasyuk N.V. Circuit design methods of increasing the reliability of operational amplifiers with maximum speed in high-signal mode
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Budyakov A.S., Prokopenko N.N., Starchenko E.I., Savchenko Ye.M., Krutchinsky S.G. Experience in design and modeling of analog circuits with limited parameters based on Russian bipolar technology
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Prokopenko N.N., Budyakov A.S., Kovbasyuk N.V., Krutchinsky S.G., Savchenko Ye.M. Methods of compensation of basic components of the output capacitance of transistors in analog chips
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Prokopenko N.N., Budyakov A.S., Savchenko Ye.M., Korneev S.V. The dynamic extreme parameters of operational amplifiers with voltage feedback and amplifiers with current feedback in linear and nonlinear modes
2008 | |
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Budyakov A.S., Prokopenko N.N., Schmalz Klaus, Scheytt Christoph, Ostrovskyy P Circuit design of UHF operational amplifiers for analog interfaces with strong negative feedback
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Zhuk D.M., Manichev V.B., Ilnitskij A.O. Methods and algorithms of the decision of the differential-algebraic equations for modelling dynamics of technical systems and objects
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Prokopenko N.N., Budyakov A.S., Khorunzhij A.V. Nonlinear modes in multidifferential operational amplifiers
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Prokopenko N.N., Budyakov A.S., Savchenko Ye.M. Operational amplifiers with generalized current feedback
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Rozenfeld V.P., Zinchenko L.A., Mazias R.L., Smirnov Yu.G., Somov S.V., Topuzov I.G. Synthesis of topology of standard CMOS cells taking into account effect of electromigration
2010 | |
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Budyakov A.S., Savchenko Ye.M., Pronin A.A., Kozynko P.A. A 1W, 800 MHz RF Monolithic Integrated Circuit Power Amplifier Based on Silicon Technology
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Manichev V.B., Zhuk D.M., Andronov A.V. Framework for mathematical simulation of multi-discipline technical systems and objects in time domain FMS PA10
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Gavlicky A.I., Starchenko E.I., Budyakov A.S., Ionov P.L. Microwave quadrature demodulators. Topology development results
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Prokopenko N.N., Budyakov A.S., Schmalz Klaus, Scheytt Christoph RF IP-blocks based on Fully differential OpAmps for Communication Systems
2012 | |
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Budyakov P.S., Budyakov A.S., Prokopenko N.N. Comparative analysis of active mm-wave SiGe mixers
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Zhuk D.M., Manichev V.B., Saharov M.K. SADEL – extra precision solvers library for program suite PA10 (SADEL-PA10)
2014 | |
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Manichev V.B., Zhuk D.M., Vitukov F.A. Method of mathematical testing of programs for transient analysis in EDA packages
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Shakhnov V.A., Zinchenko L.A., Verstov V.A. Parallel VLSI Layout Decomposition Algorithm for Double Patterning
2016 | |
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Vlasov A.I., Tsivinskaya T.A., Shakhnov V.A. Analysis of the effect of membrane shape at mechanical strength and parameter stability of MEMS pressure sensors
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Terentyev D.S., Shakhnov V.A., Vlasov A.I. Ceramics-based device of touch and contactless information input for avionics
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Verstov V.A., Zinchenko L.A., Makarchuk V.V., Shakhnov V.A. Cognitive Contradiction’s Visualization for VLSI Layout Decomposition for Double Patterning Issues
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Yuldashev M.N., Adamov A.P., Adamova A.A. Support methods of reliability on the wireless sensor networks by criterion of the network load
2018 | |
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Vlasov A.I., Grigoryev P.V., Shakhnov V.A. Development of Hybrid Sensory Multiscomplex Construction with Elements of Radio Frequency Identification
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Glushko A.A., Babkin S.I., Amirkhanov A.V., Zinchenko L.A., Makarchuk V.V. Problems of Designing LDMOS-transistors Working at Increased Supply Voltage
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Vlasov A.I., Mileshin S., Tsivinskaya T.A., Shakhnov V.A. Radiation Resistance of MEMS Sensors and Methods of Its Estimation
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Zhuk D.M., Kozhevnikov D.Yu., Manichev V.B. Reliability and Accuracy of ODE Systems Solution for Modeling Environment of Heterogeneous Dynamic Systems PA10
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Terentyev D.S., Krivoshein A.I., Bortnik B.Y., Kozyrev A.A. The Electromagnetic Interferences From Display Device on Capacitive Touch Panel
2020 | |
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Khalzev S.E., Vlasov A.I., Shakhnov V.A. Application of visual tools for system modeling of digital integrated circuits
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Zhuk D.M., Kozhevnikov D.Yu., Manichev V.B. Problems of developing a mathematical core for modeling the dynamics of technical systems
2021 | |
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Uzenkov D.A., Vlasov A.I., Fatkhutdinov T.M., Gladkikh A.A. Dynamic modification of embedded devices internal firmware for solve reverse engineering problems
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Zhuk D.M., Kozhevnikov D.Yu., Manichev V.B., Tsvetkovskaya T.A. Object-Oriented Approach for the Development of Modern Software Packages for Heterogeneous Technical Systems Simulation
2022 | |
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Zhalnin V.P., Vlasov A.I., Korobenko I.S., Shadrin Y.A. Analysis of Trends in the Development of Field-Effect Transistors
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Kornev S.A., Andreev V.V. Designing a Configurable 32-Bit RISC-V Microprocessor
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Vlasov A.I., Rasyuk A.A., Khokhlunova O.D. FPGA System Design Using Visual Languages