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Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Listing of all the works of the organization. Click on the work title to get the full information.

  Zinchenko L.A., Mazias R.L., Rozenfeld V.P., Smirnov Yu.G., Sotnikov M.A., Stoyanov S.V., Topuzov I.G., Falkovsky K.D.
  Akinshin A.A., Zhuk D.M., Ilnitskij A.O., Kozhevnikov D.Yu., Manichev V.B.
Method of simulation of dynamics of technical systems on the basis of formal schemes
  Prokopenko N.N., Budyakov A.S., Kryukov S.V.
Architecture and circuit design of precision differential amplifiers with high common mode rejection ratio
  Prokopenko N.N., Budyakov A.S., Sergeenko A.I.
Buffer stage of operational amplifiers with low output impedance and option rail-to-rail
  Prokopenko N.N., Budyakov A.S., Kovbasyuk N.V.
Circuit design methods of increasing the reliability of operational amplifiers with maximum speed in high-signal mode
  Budyakov A.S., Prokopenko N.N., Starchenko E.I., Savchenko Ye.M., Krutchinsky S.G.
Experience in design and modeling of analog circuits with limited parameters based on Russian bipolar technology
  Prokopenko N.N., Budyakov A.S., Kovbasyuk N.V., Krutchinsky S.G., Savchenko Ye.M.
Methods of compensation of basic components of the output capacitance of transistors in analog chips
  Prokopenko N.N., Budyakov A.S., Savchenko Ye.M., Korneev S.V.
The dynamic extreme parameters of operational amplifiers with voltage feedback and amplifiers with current feedback in linear and nonlinear modes
  Budyakov A.S., Prokopenko N.N., Schmalz Klaus, Scheytt Christoph, Ostrovskyy P
Circuit design of UHF operational amplifiers for analog interfaces with strong negative feedback
  Zhuk D.M., Manichev V.B., Ilnitskij A.O.
Methods and algorithms of the decision of the differential-algebraic equations for modelling dynamics of technical systems and objects
  Prokopenko N.N., Budyakov A.S., Khorunzhij A.V.
Nonlinear modes in multidifferential operational amplifiers
  Prokopenko N.N., Budyakov A.S., Savchenko Ye.M.
Operational amplifiers with generalized current feedback
  Rozenfeld V.P., Zinchenko L.A., Mazias R.L., Smirnov Yu.G., Somov S.V., Topuzov I.G.
Synthesis of topology of standard CMOS cells taking into account effect of electromigration
  Budyakov A.S., Savchenko Ye.M., Pronin A.A., Kozynko P.A.
A 1W, 800 MHz RF Monolithic Integrated Circuit Power Amplifier Based on Silicon Technology
  Manichev V.B., Zhuk D.M., Andronov A.V.
Framework for mathematical simulation of multi-discipline technical systems and objects in time domain FMS PA10
  Gavlicky A.I., Starchenko E.I., Budyakov A.S., Ionov P.L.
Microwave quadrature demodulators. Topology development results
  Prokopenko N.N., Budyakov A.S., Schmalz Klaus, Scheytt Christoph
RF IP-blocks based on Fully differential OpAmps for Communication Systems
  Budyakov P.S., Budyakov A.S., Prokopenko N.N.
Comparative analysis of active mm-wave SiGe mixers
  Zhuk D.M., Manichev V.B., Saharov M.K.
SADEL – extra precision solvers library for program suite PA10 (SADEL-PA10)
  Manichev V.B., Zhuk D.M., Vitukov F.A.
Method of mathematical testing of programs for transient analysis in EDA packages
  Shakhnov V.A., Zinchenko L.A., Verstov V.A.
Parallel VLSI Layout Decomposition Algorithm for Double Patterning
  Vlasov A.I., Tsivinskaya T.A., Shakhnov V.A.
Analysis of the effect of membrane shape at mechanical strength and parameter stability of MEMS pressure sensors
  Terentyev D.S., Shakhnov V.A., Vlasov A.I.
Ceramics-based device of touch and contactless information input for avionics
  Verstov V.A., Zinchenko L.A., Makarchuk V.V., Shakhnov V.A.
Cognitive Contradiction’s Visualization for VLSI Layout Decomposition for Double Patterning Issues
  Yuldashev M.N., Adamov A.P., Adamova A.A.
Support methods of reliability on the wireless sensor networks by criterion of the network load
  Vlasov A.I., Grigoryev P.V., Shakhnov V.A.
Development of Hybrid Sensory Multiscomplex Construction with Elements of Radio Frequency Identification
  Glushko A.A., Babkin S.I., Amirkhanov A.V., Zinchenko L.A., Makarchuk V.V.
Problems of Designing LDMOS-transistors Working at Increased Supply Voltage
  Vlasov A.I., Mileshin S., Tsivinskaya T.A., Shakhnov V.A.
Radiation Resistance of MEMS Sensors and Methods of Its Estimation
  Zhuk D.M., Kozhevnikov D.Yu., Manichev V.B.
Reliability and Accuracy of ODE Systems Solution for Modeling Environment of Heterogeneous Dynamic Systems PA10
  Terentyev D.S., Krivoshein A.I., Bortnik B.Y., Kozyrev A.A.
The Electromagnetic Interferences From Display Device on Capacitive Touch Panel
  Khalzev S.E., Vlasov A.I., Shakhnov V.A.
Application of visual tools for system modeling of digital integrated circuits
  Zhuk D.M., Kozhevnikov D.Yu., Manichev V.B.
Problems of developing a mathematical core for modeling the dynamics of technical systems
  Uzenkov D.A., Vlasov A.I., Fatkhutdinov T.M., Gladkikh A.A.
Dynamic modification of embedded devices internal firmware for solve reverse engineering problems
  Zhuk D.M., Kozhevnikov D.Yu., Manichev V.B., Tsvetkovskaya T.A.
Object-Oriented Approach for the Development of Modern Software Packages for Heterogeneous Technical Systems Simulation
  Zhalnin V.P., Vlasov A.I., Korobenko I.S., Shadrin Y.A.
Analysis of Trends in the Development of Field-Effect Transistors
  Kornev S.A., Andreev V.V.
Designing a Configurable 32-Bit RISC-V Microprocessor
  Vlasov A.I., Rasyuk A.A., Khokhlunova O.D.
FPGA System Design Using Visual Languages

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