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Expansion of SPICE Simulation Tools Abilities by Taking into Account MOS Circuits Aging Effects Caused by Hot Carriers, Gate Dielectric Breakdown and Electromigration  

 Kharitonov I.A.
Date of publication

 Modified SPICE models for MOS FETs s with account for aging effects caused by hot carriers and gate dielectric breakdown and electromigration, are described. The SPICE simulation tools , modifified models and special scripts for model parametrers definition are integrated into special subsystem for CMOS circuits reliability analysis and simulation. Examples of SPICE simulation of analog and digital CMOS circuits with account for aging effects are presented.
 CMOS circuits, aging effects, reliability, NBTI, PBTI, HCI, TDDD, electromigration, SPICE models, circuit simulation.
Library reference
 Kharitonov I.A. Expansion of SPICE Simulation Tools Abilities by Taking into Account MOS Circuits Aging Effects Caused by Hot Carriers, Gate Dielectric Breakdown and Electromigration // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2021. Issue 4. P. 73-80. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2021-4-73-80
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