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Method of QR-decomposition of a complex matrix by means of triangular systolic array

 Maltsev A.A.
 Pestretsov V.A.
 Khoryaev A.V.
 Maslennikov R.O.
Date of publication

 In work the architecture of systolic array, which can be used in VLSI for hardware implementation of QR-decomposition algorithm of complex matrixes is offered. The proposed architecture is effective for implementation as VLSI, as it uses only algorithm CORDIC and, hence, does not use operations of multiplication.
Considered systolic array is based on a method of triangular complex rotations and allows to get a significant gain in productivity in comparison with traditionally used method of complex rotations of Givens.
 QR-decomposition of a complex matrix, systolic array
Library reference
 Maltsev A.A., Pestretsov V.A., Khoryaev A.V., Maslennikov R.O. Method of QR-decomposition of a complex matrix by means of triangular systolic array // Problems of Perspective Microelectronic Systems Development - 2006. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2006. P. 91-96.
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