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Circuit of the Functional Control for Combinational Circuits Based on R-code  

 Telpukhov D.V.
 Zhukova T.D.
 Demeneva A.I.
 Gurov S.I.
Date of publication

 At present, the issues related to the synthesis of fault-tolerant combinational circuits acquire special urgency in the world. This is facilitated by various factors in the development of the microelectronic industry, including the transition to nanometric design standards and the development of modern methods and means of automation. These factors, among other things, lead to the fact that combinational circuits become the most vulnerable area in chip. Often, redundant encoding methods, which is traditionally used in data storage and transmission systems, are used to solve the problem of fault tolerance of logic circuits. However, standard fault-tolerant codes are usually ineffective due to the specific design and operation of the combinational cir-cuits. In this paper, a new approach to the construction of fault-tolerant combinational circuits using redundant coding based on the spectral R code is proposed. The application of technological protection methods for a part of the encoder allows this code, among other things, to correct any single error in the combinational circuit, and also to detect a double error in it. Concurrent decoding is used to parry a single error in this method. The article carried out a number of experiments demonstrating the high effectiveness of the pro-posed approach. In one of the experiments, a functional control circuitry, based on the proposed approach, was com-pared to the circuits, obtained by the use of the Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR), which is the traditional method for protecting combinational circuits from faults. As a result, the proposed circuits have a lower structural redundancy com-pared to triple modular redundancy circuits.
 fault tolerance of combinational circuits, information redundancy, redundancy coding, R-code.
Library reference
 Telpukhov D.V., Zhukova T.D., Demeneva A.I., Gurov S.I. Circuit of the Functional Control for Combinational Circuits Based on R-code // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2018. Issue 4. P. 98-104. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2018-4-98-104
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