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Nanostructured superconducting film concentrator in the magnetic field sensor  

 Shichkin N.Yu.
 Ichkitidze L.P.
 Telishev D.V.
Date of publication

 Superconducting film magnetic field concentrator was investigated. Versions of the optimal splitting of its active strip in the numerous parallel branches and the cuts was considered. It is established that nanostructuring of the active strip (width of slit 20 nm) of magnetic field concentrator on superconducting branches and cuts allows to increase the concentration factor of magnetic field in several times and, therefore, lower the threshold sensitivity and geometric dimensions of the magnetic field sensor. High values of the concentration factor can be achieved with the arrangement of the cuts closer to the magnetically sensitive element. On the basis of this conclusion in two stages was calculated the concentration factor by changing the width of the cuts and their position on the active strip. Sites of optimal locations of the cuts, when the concentration factor reaches maximum values, were identified. In this case higher values of concentration factor is achieved for concentrator based on films from the low-temperature superconductor relative to the concentrator based on films from high-temperature superconductor.
 magnetic field sensor, magnetic field concentrator, active strip, superconducting film, nanostructuring.
Library reference
 Shichkin N.Yu., Ichkitidze L.P., Telishev D.V. Nanostructured superconducting film concentrator in the magnetic field sensor // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2016. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2016. Part 4. P. 223-229.
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