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The circuitry of electronic devices that operate in conditions of electromagnetic noise  

 Adamov Yu.F.
 Balaka E.S.
 Rukhlov V.S.
Date of publication

 Noise immunity and energy efficiency of electronic devices is determined by the sub-system of synchronization and signaling. Disturbances are divided into two classes: external and internal. Reduction of the influence of external interference is based on the inclusion of protection of inputs and outputs of the chip. Long wires are divided into sections controlled by drivers-repeaters of signals for the suppression of internal interference.
This article describes methods of designing signal repeaters and output protection devices with regard to their impact on the parameters of developed chipset: prevention of interference, resistance to external interference such as electrostatic discharge, the transmission of signals without loss.
We propose original solutions for the implementation of the shapers of voltage pulses and transceiver devices such as "digital isolator".
The driver has a stable voltage pulse duration of the output signal fronts, if you change the reactive load.
Device Features such as "digital isolator" with the transfer by the cable line of high-frequency signal with to the phase shift keying provides data rates up to 100 Kbps. Electromagnetic Immunity is determined by split capacitor at the input of the "digital isolator".
 Noise immunity, signal transmission, electrostatic discharge protection device, signal equalization, formation of the voltage pulses, reducing energy consumption
Library reference
 Adamov Yu.F., Balaka E.S., Rukhlov V.S. The circuitry of electronic devices that operate in conditions of electromagnetic noise // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2016. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2016. Part 3. P. 14-19.
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