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Statistical approach to multiple cell upsets description in highly scaled memory circuits

 Zebrev G.I.
 Gorbunov M.S.
 Useinov R.G.
 Ozerov A.
 Emeliyanov V.V.
 Anashin V.S.
 Kozukov A.
 Zemtsov K.
 Sheredeko G.
Date of publication

 A problem of multiple cell upsets caused by heavy ions in digital higly scaled memory circuits high integration is discussed using the new concepts of the primitive cell, the partial cross sections and the statistical multiplicity distribution. It was found the dependence of the average cross section of multiple upsets on the linear energy transfer in many modern memory circuits with technology nodes less than 100 nm has a form close to the linear.
 SEE, MCU, multiplicity, memory cell, heavy ions, upset cross section, LET, digital memory
Library reference
 Zebrev G.I., Gorbunov M.S., Useinov R.G., Ozerov A., Emeliyanov V.V., Anashin V.S., Kozukov A., Zemtsov K., Sheredeko G. Statistical approach to multiple cell upsets description in highly scaled memory circuits // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2014. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2014. Part 3. P. 167-170.
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