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The modeling of NBTI effect in analog integrated circuits

 Gourary M.M.
 Zharov M.M.
 Rusakov S.G.
 Ulyanov S.L.
Date of publication

 The issues of performance degradation of analog integrated circuits due to NBTI effect are considered. A new approach to take into account this effect in the most difficult case of autonomous blocks and particularly oscillators is proposed. The approach in based on solving the system of differential equations derived from NBTI models. At every integration step the simulation of circuit using harmonic balance is performed. In contrast to known methods the new approach does not require preliminary estimating of averaged on the signal period NBTI model parameters and permits to optimize computational costs due to selection of integration method and step size. The approach is suited for multifrequency circuits.
 NBTI effect, performance degradation, reliability, submicron VLSI, threshold voltage, field strength
Library reference
 Gourary M.M., Zharov M.M., Rusakov S.G., Ulyanov S.L. The modeling of NBTI effect in analog integrated circuits // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2012. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2012. P. 153-156.
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