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The analysis of operability ùà submicronic RAM CMOS VLSI at extreme thermal modes

 Krasnyuk A.A.
 Stenin V.Ya.
 Cherkasov I.G.
 Yakovlev A.V.
Date of publication

 Simulation and experimental research of thermal change of CMOS cell characteristics ÊÌÎÏ of memory submicronic CMOS RAM in a wide range of temperatures from -50Ñ up to +150Ñ have shown, that VLSI with submicronic design norms on the basis of volumetric CMOS with epitaxial layers 0,35 microns and industrial volumetric CMOS 0,18 microns of technological processes as a whole provide high maximum permissible thermal modes of operation.
 submicronic RAM CMOS VLSI, extreme thermal modes
Library reference
 Krasnyuk A.A., Stenin V.Ya., Cherkasov I.G., Yakovlev A.V. The analysis of operability ùà submicronic RAM CMOS VLSI at extreme thermal modes // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2008. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2008. P. 447-452.
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