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Non-linear optimization framework for cell placement legalization

 Ayupov A.B.
Date of publication

 Conventional placement flow consists of two stages: global placement and detailed placement (or placement legalization). State-of-the-art global placement algorithms perform optimization in many domains, including total wirelength, circuit delay, and routability. At the stage of detailed placement the main optimization metric is the average cell displacement distance that is not directly connected to optimization criteria of global placement algorithms. In this work we propose an analytical algorithm of placement legalization that removes cell overlaps and pushes cells to standard rows while optimizing for total wirelength. Experimens show that proposed optimization reduces the total wirelength by 6% comparing with APlace global placement followed by traditional placement legalization.
 placement legalization; detailed placement
Library reference
 Ayupov A.B. Non-linear optimization framework for cell placement legalization // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2008. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2008. P. 126-131.
URL of paper

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