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Development of Concurrent Error Detection Circuit Based on Automated Generation of Error-Correcting Code  

 Stempkovsky A.L.
 Telpukhov D.V.
 Zhukova T.D.
Date of publication

 One of the classical approaches to improving the fault tolerance of combinational circuits is the adaptation of the theory of error-correcting coding to design of high-reliability combinational circuits. To implement it, it is necessary to select an error-correcting code for each specific situation. The problem here arises from the fact that most of the error-correcting codes under consideration do not take into account the specifics of errors that occur in combinational logic, since they were originally developed only for transmitting and storing information. In this article, an attempt was made to take into account this specificity and develop a method for automated generation of error-correcting code, based on the behavior of a combinational circuit under the influence of single random failures. The generation of an error-correcting code is based on the clustering of information words according to the criterion of minimizing the transition probability within the cluster. A transition is a distortion of the output of a combinational circuit. The probability of such distortion is estimated by simulating the circuit under the injection of single errors. This approach makes it possible to construct codes that are best adapted for each specific combinational circuit, achieving the maximum error correction probabilities. To evaluate the effectiveness of the developed method, a number of numerical experiments were performed, based on the results of which a comparative analysis of the main characteristics of the synthesized circuits with the duplication method was performed.
 concurrent error detection, combinational circuits, error-correcting codes, fault-tolerance.
Library reference
 Stempkovsky A.L., Telpukhov D.V., Zhukova T.D. Development of Concurrent Error Detection Circuit Based on Automated Generation of Error-Correcting Code // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2022. Issue 4. P. 2-8. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2022-4-2-8
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