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Ways of creation intellectual sensors of pressure used for substitution of import ones

 Pyavchenko O.N.
 Krutchinsky S.G.
 Klevtsov S.I.
 Pyavchenko A.O.
 Panich A.E.
Date of publication

 Five basic directions of perfection of intellectual sensors of physical sizes on an example of intellectual sensors of pressure are formulated. The generalized results of the researches executed at the Taganrog state radio engineering university and the development directed on creation perspective replacing import intellectual sensors are presented and analysed. Their opportunities and the basic characteristics are defined.
 intellectual sensors of pressure
Library reference
 Pyavchenko O.N., Krutchinsky S.G., Klevtsov S.I., Pyavchenko A.O., Panich A.E. Ways of creation intellectual sensors of pressure used for substitution of import ones // Problems of Perspective Microelectronic Systems Development - 2006. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2006. P. 212-216.
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