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Phenomena of polarization of ionizing radiation sensors based on diamond materials  

 Sigov A.S.
 Altukhov A.A.
 Zyablyuk K.N.
Date of publication

 The process of polarization of ionizing radiation sensors based on single-crystal CVD diamond substrates under the influence of large doses of alpha - radiation with an energy of 5.5 MeV in the range of bias voltages from 0.4 to 1 V/mkm is studied. At a positive bias voltage (hole drift), the radiation dose leading to a 50% decrease in the charge collection efficiency in the alpha-peak region varies in the range from 1.7×104 /mm2 at a displacement of 0.4 V/m to 1.2×106 /mm2 at 1 V/m. At a negative bias voltage (electron drift), the sensor polarization is not observed. The alpha-radiation doses characterizing the polarization rate of a single-crystal CVD’s diamond substrates sensor are shown. They strongly depend on the bias voltage, but weakly on the intensity of the source. The measured radiation dose at a displacement of +400V is 2 orders of magnitude higher than the similar results, which, apparently, is explained by the different quality of the studied diamond crystals. For comparison, the results of studies of the operation of an ionizing radiation sensor based on polycrystalline CVD diamond substrates under similar conditions are presented.
 diamond sensor, ionizing radiation, polarization, charge collection efficiency.
Library reference
 Sigov A.S., Altukhov A.A., Zyablyuk K.N. Phenomena of polarization of ionizing radiation sensors based on diamond materials // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2021. Issue 3. P. 140-145. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2021-3-140-145
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