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Corrective Circuits of Bandpass Filters on Coupled Lines  

 Sharabudinov R.M.
 Trinh To Thanh
 Malyutin N.D.
 Chepko T.A.
 Malyutin G.A.
Date of publication

 Corrective circuits of band-pass filters based on coupled lines have been developed, which have the following feature – the frequency dependence of the group delay time has a maximum at the central pass frequency and a drop of up to 4 ns in the pass band. The circuits are classified as low-Q pass band fil-ters of the absorbing type, having a return loss of less than 10 dB in the pass band and in the stop band and the minimum loss in the pass band. The proposed circuits can be used in combination with traditional reflective links to correct the frequency dependence of the group delay time and reduce reflections in the stop band. The use of the considered circuits is also advisable in the inter-stage decoupling of amplifying stages that are sensitive to mismatch.
 band-pass filter, absorbing filter, correcting cir-cuits, coupled lines.
Library reference
 Sharabudinov R.M., Trinh To Thanh, Malyutin N.D., Chepko T.A., Malyutin G.A. Corrective Circuits of Bandpass Filters on Coupled Lines // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2021. Issue 3. P. 175-181. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2021-3-175-181
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