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The Development of Multi-terminal Element Model with Arbitrary Number of Terminals for Circuit Simulator  

 Gourary M.M.
 Rusakov S.G.
 Ulyanov S.L.
Date of publication

 The methods and algorithms for model order reduction of high order dynamical systems and their applicability for electrical networks are discussed. The paper proposes the modified nodal analysis formulation of multi-terminal element model to be implemented in a circuit simulator.
 dynamical system, model order reduction, reduction methods, circuit simulation, multi-terminal element.
Library reference
 Gourary M.M., Rusakov S.G., Ulyanov S.L. The Development of Multi-terminal Element Model with Arbitrary Number of Terminals for Circuit Simulator // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2021. Issue 4. P. 14-21. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2021-4-14-21
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