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Comparative analysis of fault-tolerant TMR-based integer operation blocks  

 Vlasov A.O.
 Klishin A.V.
 Zheludkov N.V.
 Emin E.K.
 Gorbunov M.S.
Date of publication

 Nowadays protection against radiation single event effects can be achieved using a lot of different design approaches. Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) is one of the most popular methods for solving this problem. However, there are many different ways TMR design flow implementation. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages and could be more or less suitable for a specific architecture, technical specifications, or performance requirements. This article presents a comparative analysis of the layout-aware fault injection simulation results. In our study, we have investigated the issues of designing the optimal scheme of triplicated registers modules that can be applied in any standard design implementation flow. This allowed us to use non-modified RTL code, i.e. all design modifications were made during the “RTL-to-GDS” design flow. As a device under test, we have decided to use the Integer Multiplication/Division operation unit. The abovementioned block is a part of radiation and fault-tolerant IC, which is being developed by SRISA RAS using the 65nm technological process. It contains no IP and memory blocks. Also, its structure is nonrecurring, which is similar to standard cell logic in this IC. The analysis of obtained simulation results was also provided. The results showed the particular importance of the standard cells (not only the registers but also the combination logic and clock tree elements) placement during the TMR-fault-tolerant digital circuits.
Library reference
 Vlasov A.O., Klishin A.V., Zheludkov N.V., Emin E.K., Gorbunov M.S. Comparative analysis of fault-tolerant TMR-based integer operation blocks // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2020. Issue 3. P. 188-193. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2020-3-188-193
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