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Problematical questions of adaptive synthesis of radar images in bi-static and mono-static looks  

 Alekseev S.B.
 Alexeeva A.M.
 Lepekhina T.A.
 Likhansky S.G.
 Nikolaev V.I.
Date of publication

 The paper is devoted to analysis of the main problems encountered in radar image synthesis tasks in various SAR configurations (bistatic and monostatic, airborne and space-based) and survey modes. The methods of solution these problems are presented. The attempt of structural unification for different survey modes, imaging algorithms for them, and also for problem solution methods in different cases is presented in the paper. In some cases the detailed analysis with mathematical proofs and illustrations is presented. These cases are concerned with the most complicated problems demanding new approaches – adaptation, focusing, and reducing of any look to monostatic one.
The following themes are considered in the paper:
1) the analysis of main problems appearing in bistatic synthesis and describing of their solution methods, the formal mathematical reducing of any SAR configuration to equivalent monostatic SAR is described;
2) the proof and illustration of necessity of adaptation (a-priori, before synthesis) and/or focusing (a-posteriori, after synthesis) is presented;
3) the methods of focusing and adaptation are described here.
The possibility of structural unification of synthesis procedure and of its parts (in frames of restrict scheme) is explored in the paper.
The structure of synthesis procedure in different configurations and modes is the following one (step-by-step):
1) The formal mathematical reduction of any configuration to monostatic model, having the same set of migration laws in first order of precision by scene horizontal coordinates. (The step is recommended firstly in case of bistatic SAR with improved-precision navigation knowledge data.)
2) The adaptation (a-prior focusing – before synthesizing SAR image by the whole interval). The step-by-step quasi-minimization of reduced Hilbert image norm is recommended in most of cases.
3) The synthesizing procedure (the algorithm Omega-KA-M [1 – 3] is advised here for each case).
4) The a-posterior focusing of obtained SAR image (the method, generalizing GST [1 – 3], is recommended here in each case).
The “Condor-E” SAR images are used for the graphical illustration of problem solution methods in the most complicated and important cases.
 synthetic aperture radar, range migration, digital radio-hologram, radar image, reference function, look, scene, synthesis, adaptation, focusing, sliding window, motion law.
Library reference
 Alekseev S.B., Alexeeva A.M., Lepekhina T.A., Likhansky S.G., Nikolaev V.I. Problematical questions of adaptive synthesis of radar images in bi-static and mono-static looks // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2020. Issue 4. P. 200-207. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2020-4-200-207
URL of paper

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