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Structure and electrophysical properties of porous carbon-modified dielectrics  

 Sakharov Yu.V.
Date of publication

 A physical method of receiving porous oxide films in vacuum conditions is brought forward in this work. The structure and properties of porous films received as a result of self-organization at magnetron spattering of a compound target are researched in it. Correlations of the quantity and size of pores, the structure and properties of porous films are determined, as well. The self-organization process proves to form spatially spattered pores, to change electrophysical properties of dielectric films and it enlarges their functions. The presence of general trends in changes in the electrophysical properties and structure surface of thin films SiO2 and Ta2O5 upon the introduction of carbon into them was revealed. This suggests the possibility of similar changes in other oxide dielectrics formed in a glow discharge plasma. It is established that the presence of a developed porous structure enhances the selective adsorption ability of the studied dielectrics.
 self-organization, mesoporous thin films, silicon dioxide, tantalum pentoxide, electrophysical properties, magnetron sputtering, carbon
Library reference
 Sakharov Yu.V. Structure and electrophysical properties of porous carbon-modified dielectrics // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2020. Issue 3. P. 133-138. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2020-3-133-138
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