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Drift-Diffusion Numerical Model of Photodetector with Controlled Relocation of Carrier Density Peaks  

 Pisarenko I.V.
 Ryndin E.A.
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 A photodetector with controlled relocation of carrier density peaks is a promising optoelectronic device designed for the operation as a part of on-chip optical interconnections in integrated circuits together with a high-speed laser-modulator. The photodetector includes a longitudinal photosensitive p-i-n junction as well as a transverse control heterostructure with specially arranged quantum wells. Previously, we estimated the response time of the considered device using a quantum mechanical combined model that had not taken into account certain physical aspects of charge carrier transport in its structure. To perform a proper semiclassical analysis of transients in the photodetector with controlled relocation of carrier density peaks, we propose a two-dimensional time-domain model based on the drift-diffusion approximation. It contains the basic continuity and Poisson equations, Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, initial conditions calculated by the stationary problem solution, and additional analytical models of electron and hole generation and recombination rates. For the numerical implementation of the model, we develop a finite difference technique of drift-diffusion simulation that utilizes the explicit and first-order upwind discretization methods, combined variable base, and Gummel’s iterative method. Applied software for numerical calculations is realized in the GNU Octave programming environment. According to the obtained drift-diffusion simulation results, it is reasonable to use the differential connection principle in order to compensate displacement currents in the supply circuit of the photodetector with controlled relocation of carrier density peaks. Moreover, we propose to add special carrier-holding low-temperature-grown layers to the control heterostructure of the device for the improvement of its functional characteristics.
 optical interconnections in integrated circuits, photodetector with controlled relocation of carrier density peaks, drift-diffusion approximation, numerical model.
Library reference
 Pisarenko I.V., Ryndin E.A. Drift-Diffusion Numerical Model of Photodetector with Controlled Relocation of Carrier Density Peaks // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2020. Issue 2. P. 57-64. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2020-2-57-64
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