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Ternary sum codes and their modifications  

 Efanov D.V.
Date of publication

 This article is devoted to the construction of ternary redundant codes designed to detect errors in the data bits of code words. The codes with this property can be used in the development of digital devices and systems with the checkable and self-checking structures. In the future, the use of ternary digital devices can create a new round in the development of engineering and technology, despite the fact that at present, ternary digital devices have not found application and are completely losing out to binary devices. The article provides a brief overview in the field of the construction of ternary digital devices and computing systems. The main results of the development of ternary computers are listed, and the possibility of using ternary logic in the development of quantum computers is also noted. The article focuses on the development of the coding procedures and the protection of ternary data. The author offers the methods for constructing a range of sum codes with low redundancy and the ability to detect errors in data vectors. The article provides the descriptions of codes, the examples of their code words, and also notes some of their key features. The article presents the algorithms of sum codes modification, focused on a more efficient use of bits of the control vectors and on minimizing the number of errors that are not detected by codes. Using the presented methods for sum codes constructing can be useful in the future when implementing and using ternary digital devices and systems.
 ternary digital devices; ternary sum code; error detection in the information vectors; modular sum code; modified modulus sum code.
Library reference
 Efanov D.V. Ternary sum codes and their modifications // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2020. Issue 1. P. 119-125. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2020-1-119-125
URL of paper

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