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Solving large SLE on heterogeneous SoC of «Multicore» series  

 Yanakova E.S.
 Macharadze G.T.
 Kostulin N.V.
 Tiurin A.A.
Date of publication

 A significant number of scientific and technical problems of modeling nonlinear systems through discretization or linearization are reduced to solving systems of linear algebraic equations (SLE). Solving modeling problems in these industries requires computing devices of the petaflops and exaflops class, so the problem of solving large-dimensional slows is an actual problem. In this paper, we research the efficiency of solving large SLE on Russian heterogeneous SoC of «Multicore» series using sixteen ELcore cores developed by JSC ELVEES research center [1] in order to use a computing device for solving problems of modeling complex systems. The architecture of heterogeneous SoC of «Multicore» series is described, which allows to perform vector highly parallel computations. In the double float format at a core clock of 1 GHz, the peak performance is one TFLOPS. Based on the result of a comparative analysis of programming technologies OpenCL [6], OpenMP [7], MPI [8] and OpenCL [9], as well as synchronization tools, we proposed a three-level programming model for the effective implementation of locally parallel intensive computing algorithms. This programming model includes MPI for SoC level parallelism, OpenCL for heterogeneous cores level parallelism and OpenMP for IP cores ELcore level parallelism. The results of comparative analysis of testing of Russian and foreign General-purpose processors, such as Elbrus-8SV [10] and Intel Xeon 8180 [11] on the problem of solving SLE with dense matrices, according to which the performance of the Russian SoC series "multicore" on the problem of solving slows on dense matrices corresponds to the world level.
 solving SLE, ELcore IP core, modeling of complex systems, heterogeneous SoC, programming model.
Library reference
 Yanakova E.S., Macharadze G.T., Kostulin N.V., Tiurin A.A. Solving large SLE on heterogeneous SoC of «Multicore» series // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2020. Issue 1. P. 70-75. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2020-1-70-75
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