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Definition of competence areas of synthesis algorithms of combinational logic circuits

 Grankin M.V.
 Gurov S.I.
 Fathutdinov I.N.
Date of publication

 Existing methods of synthesis of combinational logic circuits all to a lesser degree satisfy to growing modern requirements. The first step on a way of creation of synthesizing systems of new may be development of methods, specifying under the given description of the circuit the best of available algorithms of its synthesis. At this it it is necessary to solve the task of classification with non-sloved hypothesis of compactness, for what the approach offered by M.Bongard is applied. The created modeling program system has shown the principle possibility of implementation of the specified
approach at creation of an industrial VLSI CAD.
 competence areas, VLSI synthesis
Library reference
 Grankin M.V., Gurov S.I., Fathutdinov I.N. Definition of competence areas of synthesis algorithms of combinational logic circuits // Problems of Perspective Microelectronic Systems Development - 2006. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2006. P. 51-55.
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