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Generation of large sets of logical functions for digital integrated circuits CAD systems  

 Lyalinsky A.A.
Date of publication

 In some cases, for example, when developing library of combinational cells, there is the problem of obtaining as much as possible number of logical functions, each of which would be unique each other. This allows, on the one hand, to eliminate unnecessary duplication of cells in the library, and with another – to have a library cell for the largest possible number of logical functions.
The optimality problem is usually solved in "manual mode" - the developer of the library cells based on personal experience defines the set of functions, the question of the optimal set of functions and their completeness is still open.
The difficulty for automated selection of function is the problem of determining the identity of logical functions. Known methods are based on the transformation of each function and bringing it to a canonical form, such as DNF - Disjunctive Normal Form. In this case manual converting a few tens or hundreds of functions is time-consuming and error-prone manual processing. Besides the size of a logical expression is increased. In this paper it is presented a method for generating libraries of logic functions based on the automated comparison of truth tables of logic functions. In addition, another method is proposed for optimization of the composition of the library for the minimum criterion of available functions.
 generation of libraries of combinational cells, the calculation of logical functions, the identity of logic functions, the evaluation of the performance of the logical cell, splitting logical functions
Library reference
 Lyalinsky A.A. Generation of large sets of logical functions for digital integrated circuits CAD systems // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2016. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2016. Part 1. P. 9-15.
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