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The means for computation distribution in the PDCS "Buran" and the implementation variants of a block of hash-functions  

 Zmejev D.N.
 Klimov A.V.
 Levchenko N.N.
Date of publication

 Problems of computing on high-performance systems with a large number of cores can be solved by passing to the dataflow computing model with dynamically formed context. The key issues - the effective loading of hardware resources of a computing system, as well as the possibility of computation scheduling by time.
This article provides a general description of the archi-tecture of the PDCS "Buran". It describes the structure of the computing module and the computing core of the PDCS. Declared the fact that the choice of the method of distribution of program nodes among the computing cores is directly effects on the growth of the execution effective-ness of this task on the PDCS.
Describes the requirements for functions of computa-tion distribution in time and by space. Defines of "active" and "passive" phases, describes a computation method of core number. Presents the basic principles for programmer to create those or other hash-functions of distribution. Presents the various placing variants of block of hash-functions in the PDCS. Gives the placement substantiation of block of hash-functions in various nodes and blocks of the PDCS, such as I/O block, execution unit and matching processor. Describes both hardware and software implementation variants of block of hash-functions for distribution among the computing cores (by space) and for gradation of the task (in time).
 localization of computation, parallel dataflow computing system, implementation variants of BHF.
Library reference
 Zmejev D.N., Klimov A.V., Levchenko N.N. The means for computation distribution in the PDCS "Buran" and the implementation variants of a block of hash-functions // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2016. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2016. Part 2. P. 107-113.
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