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Research of the model of distributed topological VLSI design by means of the hierarchical client-server architecture  

 Glushan V.M.
 Lavrik P.V.
 Rybalchenko M.V.
Date of publication

 In earlier studies the authors theoretically and experimentally showed that, based on the distribution-divided single-level client-server architectures it is possible to build designing subsystems for electronic curcuits, including VLSI. The main question raised in those works - finding the ways to increase the performance of the subsystem. Studies have shown that one-tier client-server architecture allows to increase the speed at a certain optimal number of client computers involved in the design. However, the optimal number of them involved will not considerably increase with gain of complexity of the designed circuit. It is measured in single units even with a sharp increase in circuit complexity, that increases the speed only in a few times. And this today is no longer sufficient.
To construct the advanced subsystems of VLSI design it is proposed to use hierarchical client-server architecture. We conducted a conceptual analysis of this architecture, based on multilevel dichotomous partition of an undirected graph with a different number of vertices and local powers. The proposed method of analysis includes the use of the algorithms of placing and tracing of different complexity - quadratic and cubic. It is shown that with increasing number of levels of hierarchy complexity of the process decreases rapidly regardless of the number of local peaks and their degrees. The decrees of the complexity with increasing number of levels quickly stabilizes and becomes almost constant at three, four levels. The increase in the share of external edges between subgraphs increases the complexity, and its decrease with increasing levels is slower. When applying more sophisticated routing algorithms (it is assumed a higher quality of their performance) the complexity increases, which, however, decreases faster than less complicated algorithms with increasing number of levels. As the number of client computers with increasing number of levels grows exponentially, the number of computers effectively used in the design can be significantly bigger.
The studies confirmed the hypothesis that the multi-layered architecture allows to build VLSI designing subsystems with a higher speed compared to single-layer distributed subsystems.
 VLSI, hierarchical client-server architecture, the dichotomous partition, of labor input
Library reference
 Glushan V.M., Lavrik P.V., Rybalchenko M.V. Research of the model of distributed topological VLSI design by means of the hierarchical client-server architecture // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2016. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2016. Part 2. P. 190-196.
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