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Analysis and synthesis of arithmetic unit of a field of Galois of prof. Pospelov D.A.

 Amerbaev V.M.
 Balaka E.S.
 Solovyev R.A.
 Telpukhov D.V.
Date of publication

 In article the code design of modular arithmetics based on pair representation of operands, for the first time considered by the prof. D. A. Pospelov is considered. It is offered to modify this design, by introduction of code uniformity of representation a component of couple of operand, for the purpose of improvement of architecture of the devices constructed on its basis, in particular, the arithmetic unit on the module is considered. For an assessment of efficiency of the developed ways of creation of modular devices, the comparative analysis HEY with modular analogs is carried out.
 Residue Number System (RNS), the arithmetic device on the module.
Library reference
 Amerbaev V.M., Balaka E.S., Solovyev R.A., Telpukhov D.V. Analysis and synthesis of arithmetic unit of a field of Galois of prof. Pospelov D.A. // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2014. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2014. Part 4. P. 179-182.
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