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SoC focused technologies of brain-like quantum computing

 Hahanov V.I.
 Murad Ali Abbas
 Litvinova E.I.
 Baghdad Ammar Avni Abbas
 Hahanova I.V.
Date of publication

 Qubit (quantum) structures of data and computational processes to significantly improve performance, when searching, pattern recognition, decision making, discrete optimizing and fault-tolerant designing, are proposed. Superposition method for synthesizing cube functionality for its implementation in programmable logic chips is described. Hardware focused models for parallel (one cycle) calculation of the power set (the set of all subsets) in the universe of n primitives for solving coverage problem, minimization of Boolean functions, data compressing, analysis and synthesis of digital systems through the implementation of the processor structure in the form of Hasse diagram are offered. A prototype of a quantum device implemented in programmable logic for optimal solving the coverage problem, when analyzing cyberspace, is represented.
 Multiprocessor, vector logical analysis, quality criterion, verification, diagnosis of digital components, process model of fault detection.
Library reference
 Hahanov V.I., Murad Ali Abbas, Litvinova E.I., Baghdad Ammar Avni Abbas, Hahanova I.V. SoC focused technologies of brain-like quantum computing // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2012. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2012. P. 529-534.
URL of paper

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