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Digital radiohologram hardware-in-the-loop simulation and processing for spaceborne SAR ground tests

 Lepekhina T.A.
 Nikolaev V.I.
Date of publication

 SAR test target simulation techniques in terms of two-dimensional impulse response for sounding signal conversion into the echo signal subject to spacecraft trajectory parameters are considered. Hardware facilities for digital signal recording and playback are described. Spatial and radiometric resolution verification methods for SAR ground tests are introduced.
 Digital signal processing; synthetic aperture radar; ground tests; hardware-in-the-loop simulation; radiometric resolution.
Library reference
 Lepekhina T.A., Nikolaev V.I. Digital radiohologram hardware-in-the-loop simulation and processing for spaceborne SAR ground tests // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2012. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2012. P. 569-574.
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