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Pulse-potential type ADC in CMOS-basis for mixed-signal SoC

 Zhebrun E.A.
Date of publication

 The problem solution of designing a CMOS ADC based on the frequency (pulse) transformation principle is proposed. ADC structure organization provides multi-channel input into the area of microcontroller memory and evaluation of input variable derivative. For technical process SGB25VD in CMOS basis schematic diagrams set of basic ADC nodes has been designed. Results of modeling the 16-bit ADC in Cadence Virtuoso environment are presented. The conclusions are made and the ways of accuracy improving are shown.
 Analog-digit converter (ADC); systems on chip (SoC); integral project blocks (IP blocks).
Library reference
 Zhebrun E.A. Pulse-potential type ADC in CMOS-basis for mixed-signal SoC // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2012. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2012. P. 356-361.
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