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Digital Linearization of Power Amplifier Amplitude Characteristic by Adaptive Inverse Modeling

 Gudkova N.V.
Date of publication

 Linearization of the power amplifier is considered. The predistortion of signals by LUT-tables is analyzed. The adaptive algorithm power amplifier linearization is proposed. The basis for this algorithm is adaptive inverse control. Power amplifier is considered as a “black box”. Adaptive inverse model of the “black box” is an adaptive filter with the weights reconstructed by means of LMS algorithm. It’s shows, that proposed algorithm does not require to a priory compilation of LUT-tables and can serve as an alternative to the table-based predistorters.
 adaptive control; adaptive algorithm; linearization; amplitude characteristic; black box; digital predistorter.
Library reference
 Gudkova N.V. Digital Linearization of Power Amplifier Amplitude Characteristic by Adaptive Inverse Modeling // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2010. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2010. P. 462-465.
URL of paper

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