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New methods of construction of microelectronic digital systems with low power consumption

 Losev V.V.
 Chaplygin Yu.A.
 Krupkina T.Yu.
Date of publication

 Actual problem of modern microelectronics digital system is the reduction of power consumption of information processing. The radical method of its decision consists in use of a principle of thermodynamic reversibility. Classification of construction methods of adiabatic power supplies (power stripes drivers) by a principle of action, a way of load connection and a way of power pumping is carried out. Methods of construction of power stripes drivers and their power characteristics are investigated. Power consumption regularities of the most perspective quasi-adiabatic base logic gates are investigated by method of computer modeling. The established laws a power consumption of the base logic gates allow to choose the compromise between power consumption and speed, optimize power characteristics of base gates. It's also allowed to predict their improvement at quality improvement of technology.
 adiabatic logic, power efficiency, logic gate, reversive logic, power consumption, power supply
Library reference
 Losev V.V., Chaplygin Yu.A., Krupkina T.Yu. New methods of construction of microelectronic digital systems with low power consumption // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2010. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2010. P. 308-313.
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