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Multi-dimensional multirate systems and their implementation on different element base

 Tchobanou M.K.
Date of publication

 Multi-dimensional multirate systems are considered in the paper, as well as new software and hardware for processing of multi-dimensional signals. Considered implementations are based on using Digital Signal Processors (DSP) from Texas Instruments and Graphics processing Units (GPU) from nVidia. Last years there was a tremendous growth of attention paid to the development of programs, software and hardware for multidimensional signals processing. Thus there is a big demand of new technologies of very high level. In the paper some tasks are considered that are directly related with the design and development of “true” (it means non-separable) approaches to multi-dimensional signals processing.
 multirate multidimensional systems, filter banks, decimation, interpolation, non-separable systems.
Library reference
 Tchobanou M.K. Multi-dimensional multirate systems and their implementation on different element base // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2010. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2010. P. 442-449.
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