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Synthesis of topology of standard CMOS cells taking into account effect of electromigration

 Rozenfeld V.P.
 Zinchenko L.A.
 Mazias R.L.
 Smirnov Yu.G.
 Somov S.V.
 Topuzov I.G.
Date of publication

 Methods of synthesis of topology of standard CMOS of the cells proof to consequences of effect of electromigration are offered. The fast method
of valuation of average density of a current in line is offered.
It is considered topology and a cell electric circuit. The criteria, allowing to compare variants of trace of a cell from the point of view of their electromigratory firmness are offered. Optimization methods of topology of a cell by criterion of electromigratory firmness of the explorers forming the output cascade are considered.
 layout synthesis of CMOS, electromigration
Library reference
 Rozenfeld V.P., Zinchenko L.A., Mazias R.L., Smirnov Yu.G., Somov S.V., Topuzov I.G. Synthesis of topology of standard CMOS cells taking into account effect of electromigration // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2008. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2008. P. 120-125.
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