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Automatic tuning of digital polynomial regulators with help of artificial neural network

 Anissimov A.A.
 Tararykin S.V.
Date of publication

 The article deals with the problem of automatic tuning of digital polynomial regulators, applied in electromechanical systems. The method of automatic tuning is suggested, which is based on the identification of control object with help of the radial neural network with the following calculation of regulator parameters by method of modal control. This approach allows significantly reduce an amount of time, needed for tuning of control system.
 Electromechanical system, digital polynomial regulator, automatic tuning, radial neural network, neural network training.
Library reference
 Anissimov A.A., Tararykin S.V. Automatic tuning of digital polynomial regulators with help of artificial neural network // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2008. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2008. P. 98-101.
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