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The general properties and modifications of reduction algorithms

 Potyagalova A.S.
 Nechepurenko Yu.M.
Date of publication

 Cases when methods of reduction TICER and PACT yield identical or close results are described. Updating of method TICER is proposed and its properties are discussed. Well proved modifications of algorithm PRIMA are resulted: downturn of dimension of Krylov subspace("deflation") and additional congruous transformation for reduction of filling of matrixes. Efficiency of application of modifications in comparison with an original method is shown on an example of the industrial circuit.
 reduction algorithms
Library reference
 Potyagalova A.S., Nechepurenko Yu.M. The general properties and modifications of reduction algorithms // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2008. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2008. P. 81-85.
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