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Features of constructions of specialized CCD matrixes

 Zavadsky Yu.I.
 Konstantinov P.B.
 Kontsevoj Yu.A.
 Kostukov E.V.
 Skrylev A.S.
 Khotyanov B.M.
 Chernokozhin V.V.
Date of publication

 Features of a construction and methods of the problem resolution arising at creation of two types of CCD matrixes are described: 1)a CCD matrix included in deep-cooled an IR photo-receiver with the analog organization of VZN mode, 2)a electronic-sensitive CCD matrix. The following complex technical tasks are solved: in the first case – thermal unloading of the low-temperature part of microcryogenic system and allowing to the VZN-summation at bidirectional scanning; in the second case – possibility of mounting at which the matrix is turned to an electronic beam by the front (working) side.
 matrix CCD
Library reference
 Zavadsky Yu.I., Konstantinov P.B., Kontsevoj Yu.A., Kostukov E.V., Skrylev A.S., Khotyanov B.M., Chernokozhin V.V. Features of constructions of specialized CCD matrixes // Problems of Perspective Microelectronic Systems Development - 2006. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2006. P. 445-448.
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