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The position sensor IC based on a photoreceiving ruler with reading on a CCD with hidden channel

 Perevertajlo V.L.
 Epifanov A.A.
Date of publication

 The integrated circuit of the linear sensor of coordinate on the basis of a photoreception rules with reading of a signal by means of the CCD with hidden channel is considered. It is presented
the IC structure, the theoretical analysis of high-speed performance of a cell of shift register is carried out.
Modeling of parameters of its cell is fulfilled.
Constructive-topological parameters of cell are selected. Parameters of the experimental examples are described. The chip is intended for control
the cutting tool on a working field of desktop of the machine for material cutting.
Integrated circuits of the sensor of position are made on CCD technology with hidden channel, which
allows to receive values of the maximum clock
frequencies not less than 20 MHz and inefficiencies of charge transfer no more than 10-4.
 IC, sensor of position, CCD with hidden channel
Library reference
 Perevertajlo V.L., Epifanov A.A. The position sensor IC based on a photoreceiving ruler with reading on a CCD with hidden channel // Problems of Perspective Microelectronic Systems Development - 2006. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2006. P. 439-444.
URL of paper

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