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Development of fabric density measurement system on the basis of the digital filter

 Anissimov A.A.
 Burkov A.P.
 Tararykin S.V.
 Chernov Yu.V.
Date of publication

 The article deals with the problem of accuracy increasing of the density fabrics measurement in the system on the base of the optical-electronic sensor. The digital signal processing is used for solving of this problem. The digital filter tuning with help of the PLL system is synthesized. The computer model is designed and the study of the features of measurement system is executed.
 Fabric density measurement, optical-electronic sensor, digital filter, phase locked loop system (PLL), digital model.
Library reference
 Anissimov A.A., Burkov A.P., Tararykin S.V., Chernov Yu.V. Development of fabric density measurement system on the basis of the digital filter // Problems of Perspective Microelectronic Systems Development - 2006. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2006. P. 316-319.
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