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The Extraction Problems of Strip Lines Parameters  

 Loshilov A.G.
 Malyutin G.A.
 Trinh To Thanh
Date of publication

 The problems of extraction of parameters of strip structures related to the solution of a set of problems using experi-mental data, mathematical models and measuring instru-ments are discussed. Algorithms for reconstructing the pa-rameters of single and coupled strip lines based on experi-mental data are considered. Examples of extraction of pri-mary parameters, phase velocities of propagating waves and effective permittivity are given. Along with the use of data in the frequency domain, experimental characteristics of the response to impulse action are taken. The question is raised about the creation of devices for the effective solution of problems of extraction of parameters.
 extraction of parameters, strip transmission lines, linked strip lines, primary parameters, phase velocities of in-phase and antiphase waves, extraction algorithms
Library reference
 Loshilov A.G., Malyutin G.A., Trinh To Thanh The Extraction Problems of Strip Lines Parameters // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2022. Issue 4. P. 198-205. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2022-4-198-205
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