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Self-Dual Control of Combinational Circuits with Using Hamming Codes  

 Efanov D.V.
 Pogodina T.S.
Date of publication

 A “basic” structure is proposed to set up the calculation control at the outputs of combinational circuits according to classical Hamming codes with additional control of the self-duality for each control function. To achieve this result, an en-coder with m=4 data bits by the classical Hamming code is used in the integrated control circuits, that allows to produce self-dual compression signals with subsequent calculation control. This article reveals some results of self-dual devices modulation obtained by the proposed structure of the integrated control circuit organization. The presented method of integrated control circuits organization can be effectively used in the synthesis of self-dual devices with a large number of outputs grouped with four outputs in each by the synthesis of individual integrated control circuits and their further joint optimization to reduce structural redundancy indicators.
 checking of calculations at the outputs of combinational devices; checking of self-duality; self-dual compression of signals; checking of calculations by Hamming codes.
Library reference
 Efanov D.V., Pogodina T.S. Self-Dual Control of Combinational Circuits with Using Hamming Codes // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2022. Issue 3. P. 113-122. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2022-3-113-122
URL of paper

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