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Optimization of a Modal Filter on a Double-Sided PCB with Broad Side and Edge Coupling  

 Samoylichenko M.A.
 Gazizov T.R.
Date of publication

 This paper presents the results of parametric optimization by heuristic search for a modal filter on a double-sided printed circuit board with broad-side and edge coupling. The device makes it possible to protect radio-electronic equipment from the ultra-wideband interference pulse. The authors performed optimization based on three main criteria: amplitude, range-time, and interval-time. We present the attenuation results for the optimized parameters when changing the boundary conditions at the ends of the passive conductors for short-circuit (SC), open-circuit (OC), and OC-SC. It is shown that when the boundary conditions change, the attenuation is estimated by the amplitude of additional pulses, and not by mode pulses. Attenuation of 4 times in relation to half of the EMF was achieved with loads at the ends of passive conductors of 50 Ω and 10 times with OC-SC. The maximum difference between the maximum and minimum per-unit-length delays of pulses up to 2.45 ns/m was obtained. The alignment of the differences of per-unit-length delays of modes 3 and 2, 7 and 6 (0.77 ns/m) was achieved, and a maximization was obtained for modes 6 and 3 (0.91 ns/m).
 modal filter, ultrashort pulse, printed circuit board, protection device.
Library reference
 Samoylichenko M.A., Gazizov T.R. Optimization of a Modal Filter on a Double-Sided PCB with Broad Side and Edge Coupling // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2022. Issue 3. P. 95-100. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2022-3-95-100
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