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Dynamic Errors of Band-pass Bessel Filters Switched on at the ADC Input  

 Samoilov L.K.
 Prokopenko N.N.
 Denisenko D.Yu.
Date of publication

 The band-pass filters (BPF) of the n-th order, consisting of series-connected low-pass filters (LPF) of the Bessel of the n-th order with a cutoff frequency of the amplitude-frequency characteristic (AFC) of the filter ω_sí and high-pass filters (HPF) of the Bessel of the n-th order with a cutoff frequency of the frequency response of the filter ω_sâ, included in the input circuits of the ADC to select a given spectrum of signals before its analog-to-digital conversion. It is shown that the dynamic errors of the n-th order BPF are determined by the dynamic error of the n-th order low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency ω_sí and a frequency ratio ω_sâ⁄ω_sí . As a result of the simulation, the PF delay times for different filter orders (n=1, 2, 3) were obtained.
The analysis of the obtained results showed that Bessel band-pass filters, which are used at the input of the ADC to isolate a given spectrum of signals before its analog-to-digital conversion, have a significant impact on the effective bit depth of the ADC. For the filters under consideration, there is an exponential dependence (negative exponent) of the maximum dynamic error of the BPF on the frequency ratio ω_sâ⁄ω_sí . This made it possible to obtain analytical expressions for estimating the magnitude of the maximum dynamic error of the BPF at n=1,2,3, as well as for an arbitrary order of n. An estimate of the error of the proposed approximation is given.
The research results are aimed at developers of analog-digital automatic control systems, radio-engineering devices, measuring equipment and communications.
 dynamic errors, time delay, Bessel band-pass filters, LPF, HPF.
Library reference
 Samoilov L.K., Prokopenko N.N., Denisenko D.Yu. Dynamic Errors of Band-pass Bessel Filters Switched on at the ADC Input // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2022. Issue 1. P. 65-70. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2022-1-65-70
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