Fast and Efficient Approach and Its implementation Study for the Design of Wave Components |
Authors |
| Minin Iu.B. |
| Fedorov M.V. |
Date of publication |
| 2021 |
| 10.31114/2078-7707-2021-4-187-191 |
Abstract |
| We propose and investigate a new approach that optimizes the calculation of the electric field. The proposed approach makes it possible to achieve a more acceptable ratio of calculation time to the required accuracy compared to commercially available or widely used methods. It is based on the method of integral equations of Green's functions, uses weighted optimization methods and fast matrix-vector products based on Toeplitz-like matrices for GMRES, and applies GPGPU accelerators.
There are many approaches for GMRES in solving different types of systems of linear equations. However, there is still no widely used or commercially available approach that accelerates GMRES for solving systems of linear equations based on Greenhouse-like matrices and uses parallelization in CUDA C++for its implementation. Therefore, we propose a new approach for GMRES, which takes into account the possibility of FFT acceleration of matrix-vector products and uses a GPGPU accelerator.
The proposed approach has advantages for the topological optimization of passive photonic components. |
Keywords |
| topology optimization, FFT, GMRES, GPU. |
Library reference |
| Minin Iu.B., Fedorov M.V. Fast and Efficient Approach and Its implementation Study for the Design of Wave Components // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2021. Issue 4. P. 187-191. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2021-4-187-191 |
URL of paper |
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