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Si/Ge Multiple Quantum Well pin-Photodiode  

 Kulinich I.V.
 Talovskaya A.A.
 Shesterikov E.V.
Date of publication

 In the study, various designs of a silicon pin of a photodiode with quantum wells, filaments and dots based on Si/Ge heterostructure are considered. Calculations of the dark current, photocurrent and speed of a pin photodiode for various designs with quantum structures are presented. The results obtained made it possible to analyze and formulate recommendations for choosing a Si pin photodiode design for such applications as telecommunications, optical location and optical vision systems at wavelength of 1.55 μm.
 pin photodiode, quantum structures, heterostructure.
Library reference
 Kulinich I.V., Talovskaya A.A., Shesterikov E.V. Si/Ge Multiple Quantum Well pin-Photodiode // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2021. Issue 3. P. 171-174. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2021-3-171-174
URL of paper

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