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Design of Cost-effective IF Channel Chip with Tolerance to Process and Temperature Variations for RF Receiver  

 Suetinov V.I.
 Shomahmadov D.P.
 Silaev A.S.
Date of publication

 The IF-channel for a radio receiver must meet the following requirements: have a low noise figure, a high gain with the ability to program it, and a high linearity, which is characterized by a total harmonic distortion. The IF-channel consists of three blocks: a preamplifier, a low-pass filter and a main amplifier. All three blocks are based on negative feedback operational amplifiers. Also, analog switches were added to the channel circuit, which are designed to bypass individual blocks. This was done to test the parameters of each IF-channel block separately. All units were simulated both under typical conditions and with variations in supply voltage, temperature and process. The scatter of the parameters of the components on the chip due to the mismatch of the process and its influence on the parameters of the circuit was investigated by the Monte-Carlo method. The article presents the design principles for each unit of the IF-channel of the radio receiving path. Methods that ensure the stability of the main parameters to scatter in the process and mismatch of elements are shown. Methods for minimizing input-reduced noise are also shown. The blocks were simulated in the Cadence Virtuoso computer-aided design system using CMOS technology with a process node 180 nm. In this case, the calculated parameters have the following values: programmable gain - 0...55 dB, low cut frequency - 10 kHz, high cut frequency - 250 kHz, Input noise - less than 25 nV/√Hz at 100 kHz, harmonic distortion - below -70 dB, maximum load capacitance - up to 120 pF, maximum differential output voltage swing - up to 2 V, supply voltage - in the range of 2.7 ... 3.6 V, power consumption - less than 4 mW.
 radio receiver. operational amplifier, low pass filter, total harmonic distortion.
Library reference
 Suetinov V.I., Shomahmadov D.P., Silaev A.S. Design of Cost-effective IF Channel Chip with Tolerance to Process and Temperature Variations for RF Receiver // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2021. Issue 3. P. 195-201. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2021-3-195-201
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