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GaAs analog master slice |
Authors |
| Dvornikov O.V. |
| Pavluchik A.A. |
| Prokopenko N.N. |
| Tchekhovski V.A. |
| Kunts A.V. |
| Chumakov V.E. |
Date of publication |
| 2021 |
| 10.31114/2078-7707-2021-2-47-54 |
Abstract |
| For production of circuits with low level of integration, meant for extreme operation conditions designed GaAs master slice which contains: two DpHEMT with gate width (W) 1000 um and gate length (L) – 0,2 um, 20 units of DpHEMT with W/L = 10 um/1 um, 8 units of p-n-p HBT, two sets of 5 kOhm resistors, set of 1pF capacitors. Amount and list of elements of master slice were chosen for realization of analog devices with unified cascades: tree types of operational amplifiers, comparator, charge sensitive amplifier. Implementation of concrete analog device is carried out with path of forming interconnections of integral elements using different masks. Features of transistors volt-ampere characteristics, electrical circuits and main results of master slice analog devices modeling are considered. So, operational amplifier, which using only DpHEMT, provide gain more then 6·104 and range of maximum output voltage around from minus 2 V to plus 2 V with using nonsymmetrical bipolar source voltage minus 3 V/ plus 7 V, and amplifier, which using DpHEMT and p-n-p HBT – gain more then 2·105 and diapason of maximum output voltage around from minus 4 V to plus 5 V with using bipolar source voltage minus 5 V/ plus 5 V. |
Keywords |
| MESFET, HEMT, HBT, GaAs, operational amplifier, charge-sensitive amplifier |
Library reference |
| Dvornikov O.V., Pavluchik A.A., Prokopenko N.N., Tchekhovski V.A., Kunts A.V., Chumakov V.E. GaAs analog master slice // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2021. Issue 2. P. 47-54. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2021-2-47-54 |
URL of paper |
| http://www.mes-conference.ru/data/year2021/pdf/D021.pdf |