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Boolean complement to modular sum codes for the concurrent error-detection systems synthesis for combinational devices of automation and computer technology  

 Efanov D.V.
 Zueva M.
Date of publication

 The article discusses the features of the concurrent error-detection (CED) systems synthesis by the method of Boolean com-plement to modular sum codes. The authors provide the structure of the CED systems organization by the method of Boolean complement to modular sum codes. This structure is described in detail. We shows that undetectable errors in the described structure, in comparison with the traditional structure of the CED systems organization, can occur not only in the data vec-tor, but also simultaneously in the data and check vectors. Errors in the check vectors are always detected. The article deter-mines the characteristics of error detection in modular sum codes with the modulus values M=2, 4, 8. It is found that for codes with the modulus values M=4 and 8, the number of undetectable errors associated with distortions of both data and check bits is significantly higher than the number of undetectable errors occurring only in data vectors. It is shown that when considering the characteristics of the full codeword, the well-known property of modular codes for detecting any errors with even multiplicities in data vectors is not preserved. The authors proposed the circuit engineering method for eliminating sim-ultaneously occurring errors in the data and check vectors of modular sum codes. This method makes it possible to signifi-cantly reduce the number of undetectable errors at the outputs of combinational circuits. The article provides the results of experiments on detecting errors at the outputs of the reference combinational circuits using the CED system synthesized by the method of Boolean complement to modular sum codes. The experiment did not distinguish the independent groups of outputs, which made it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method directly, without analyzing the structure of the diagnostic object. The method of Boolean complement to modular sum codes is advisable to use in practice.
 CED system; code methods for the CED systems synthesis; modular sum code; error detection on device outputs; CED sys-tems synthesis; self-checking device.
Library reference
 Efanov D.V., Zueva M. Boolean complement to modular sum codes for the concurrent error-detection systems synthesis for combinational devices of automation and computer technology // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2021. Issue 1. P. 52-60. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2021-1-52-60
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