Compact model generation for distributed parameter systems |
Authors |
| Gourary M.M. |
Date of publication |
| 2021 |
| 10.31114/2078-7707-2021-1-17-23 |
Abstract |
| The paper proposes a general method for constructing dynamic models of IC components, based on the approximate solution of partial differential equations by the perturbation method.
The method uses a formalized mathematical approach to obtain a representation of capacities in an arbitrary component model. The approach is based on representing the dynamic problem as a small deviation from the static operating mode of the device. The smallness of the deviation is ensured by the assumption of a sufficiently slow variing in the boundary conditions (voltages at the component terminals). This makes it possible to apply the linearization of the solution by the time derivatives of the terminals voltages to obtain an approximate solution.
The component model obtained by this method is defined by expressions representing currens at the device terminals as nonlinear functions of the voltages supplemented by linear dependences of the voltages time derivatives (that are equivalent to nonlinear capacitances). Resulting dynamic model of the circuit has the form of a system of ordinary differential equations of a relatively low order.
In the case of a linear operating mode of the device, the frequency characteristics of the resulting model coincide with the frequency characteristics of the original system with a first-order accuracy.
General expressions are obtained for the representation of the model in the case when the device is described by a one-dimensional second-order partial differential equation. |
Keywords |
| circuit simulation, compact models, technology computer-aided design, charge-based capacitance model, perturbation method. |
Library reference |
| Gourary M.M. Compact model generation for distributed parameter systems // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2021. Issue 1. P. 17-23. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2021-1-17-23 |
URL of paper |
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