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Mathematical model of the functioning a specialized microprocessor device as a basis for compiling its functional specification  

 Skuratov A.K.
Date of publication

 The article formulates the requirements for the functional specification of a specialized microprocessor device, reflecting the features of such devices and the functional specification as a whole. These requirements form the basis for choosing formalisms for describing the operation of a specialized microprocessor device. Based on the study of the set of permissible interactions of a specialized microprocessor device with the external environment, a mathematical model of its functioning is developed for the purpose of compiling a functional specification.
 specialized microprocessor device, functional specification, mathematical model, modeling of microprocessor devices
Library reference
 Skuratov A.K. Mathematical model of the functioning a specialized microprocessor device as a basis for compiling its functional specification // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2020. Issue 3. P. 65-72. doi:10.31114/2078-7707-2020-3-65-72
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